25 May, 2005

Herb Garden update!

Well, basically the vast majority of the things I have tried to grow seem to be flourishing, not bad for my first try at all this (imho)! I have a load more Basil plants and Rocket on the way too -
Click for a larger image...
- the coriander is totally thriving (which is great because I love to eat it) and I've never seen a happier mint plant -
Click for a larger image...
- the tomatos are suffering a bit thanks to the last few cold snaps of winter catching me unawares (so some of them are looking a bit on the yellow side, especially the far left-hand one in the picture below)...bah...and I *must* remember to get some tomato food, they should have been fed by now...*tut*
The courgette looks okay though... ;)
Click for a larger image...

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