01 December, 2005

Cool Podcasts - ABC's Lost and Top of the Pods

I made two excellent podcast discoveries yesterday evening -

  • Ryan and Jen's ABC's Lost podcast - RSS Feed here (it's been running a while now, the archive I can see from Juice goes as far back as the Season 1 finale...I have listened to 2 of their shows thus far and found them rather enlightening, each show runs for about an hour and a half though, so make sure your batteries are fully charged before setting out (mine ran out this morning, but I did stupidly set off with only 1 bar)! Looks like the stars of the show are listening in too, Jorge Garcia (who plays "Hurley") even gave them a call in the talkback section! Amazing! Anyway, if you want to be on the cutting edge of what the Lost fanbase's current hypothesise (purgatory, loosing things, Peter Pan, Earth 2, special powers, symbolism etc. etc.) are about events on the island, definitely tune in...it's perfect nutshell summary/intellegent speculation followed by a highly interactive listener talkback section released closely following each episode's initial air date...)
  • Top of the Pods - RSS feed here (oddly funny UK based blog where two guys take listener submitted lists of their top ten whatever and read them out while making amusing comments, sounds lame, but it works...I laugh... ;) Not as funny as Chris Moyles, obviously, but if they were I guess they would be with him in New York instead of in their bedroom... ;)

If anyone out there has any other feeds that you think I might like then feel free to leave a comment, not sure how many people are enjoying podcasting at the moment though, might still be a bit of a geek enclave... ;)

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