14 February, 2007

New York - Interesting walk to work!

Well, lets just say, the snow today (or here, not sure which) isn't like the snow we have been having back in England, it's like hail (feels like being shot with BB pellets when they hit your ears) -
New York in the snow #3
- and when they land on the slush from last night, it's like walking on jelly covered with ball bearings -
New York in the snow #5
- (i.e. rather slippery) -
New York in the snow #8
- so it's been an interesting walk to work, oh and I did decide to wear my coat today ;)
New York in the snow #9
Treated myself to a bagel in the little place opposite the office too, opted for "Butter roast turkey", it took a little while with the guy behind the counter to establish what I actually was after -
"Butter Turkey Bagel please"
(he says, as he holds up a white American roll)
"No, in a Bagel please"
(he holds up a bagel)
"Yes please"
"You want Mayo? Mustard?"
"Yes please"
"Yes please"
"Yes please"
"Yes please"
(now looking a little exasperated)
"So youse wants everything on that!"
(Ah, epiphany!)
"Yes please"
(under his breath)
"Why didn't ya just say so!"
(I'm learning, I'm learning!)
Butter Turkey Bagel with everything on it
Couple more videos too, here and here...


Shablagoo! said...

Fascinating Posts!

Good to see your having a really interesting time!


Unknown said...

Heh, thanks Daniel... ;)